Thank you so much for partnering with us this past year as we have worked to restore the smiles of our wonderful patients. It is through your generosity that we are able to do what we do, and your donations are the reason that so many of our patients can feel confident sharing their beautiful smiles with others.

Our amazing friend, Wolf, makes all of the dentures for our patients in-house. Both he and Darlene have been such a blessing to our clinic by providing the talent needed to create quality dentures that improve the lives of our patients.

As you can see below, he keeps all of the individual denture teeth neatly organized until he uses them to create a complete smile. However, these teeth aren't free; they range in price from $15 to $50. I'm sure you can imagine that the price of dentures can add up quickly as a result, especially when a complete set is needed for a patient that doesn't have any teeth.

Because of the costs associated with not only creating dentures, but with keeping the doors of our free clinic open, every donation means more than you know, no matter what the amount may be. Please consider clicking the link below to donate to CuraSmiles this Giving Tuesday; just $15 will put another tooth in Wolf's denture box.
Thank you so much for your generosity and support of our mission. It means the world to not only us, but to our patients, who express their gratitude to you every time they visit us for an appointment. Cura Smiles is made possible through you, and everyone who walks through the doors of our clinic is blessed by your generosity.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
The Cura Smiles Team